dimanche 6 novembre 2016

Corentin Martins - Detailed stats in European Cups

Corentin Martins in AJA - Standard 1993

Corentin da Silva Martins - Matches and goals in European Cups.

Matches 1-22 with Association Jeunesse Auxerroise. Match #23 with Deportivo La Coruña. Matches 24-32 with FC Girondins de Bordeaux. Matches #33 and 34 and with Racing Club de Strasbourg.

UEFA Cup 1992-1993
 1.  Lokomotiv Plovdiv       (A, T, 90)         2-2
 2.  Lokomotiv Plovdiv       (H, T, 90)         7-1
 3.  FC København            (H, T, 90)         5-0         1 goal  (53/ 3-0)
 4.  FC København            (A, T, 90)         2-0
 5.  Standard de Liège       (A, T, 90)         2-2
 6.  Standard de Liège       (H, T, 90)         2-1
 7.  Ajax Amsterdam          (H, T, 90)         4-2         1 goal  (43/ 2-1)
 8.  Ajax Amsterdam          (A, T, 90)         0-1
 9.  Borussia Dortmund       (A, T, 90)         0-2
10.  Borussia Dortmund       (H, T, 120)        2-0 5-6     1 goal  (8/ 1-0)

UEFA Cup 1993-1994
11.  CD Tenerife             (A, T, 90)         2-2
12.  CD Tenerife             (H, T, 90)         0-1

Cup Winners Cup 1994-1995
13.  Croatia Zagreb          (A, T, 90)         1-3
14.  Croatia Zagreb          (H, T, 90)         3-0
15.  Besiktas JK             (A, T, 90)         2-2         1 goal  (59/ 2-2)
16.  Besiktas JK             (H, T, 90)         2-0
17.  Arsenal FC              (A, T, 90)         1-1
18.  Arsenal FC              (H, T, 90)         0-1

UEFA Cup 1995-1996
19.  Viking FK Stavanger     (A, T, 90)         1-1
20.  Viking FK Stavanger     (H, T, 90)         1-0
21.  Nottingham Forest       (H, T, 90)         0-1
22.  Nottingham Forest       (A, T, 76)         0-0

UEFA Cup 1997-1998
23.  AJ Auxerre              (H, T, 90)         1-2

Champions League 1999-2000
24.  Sparta Praha            (A, T, 90*)        0-0
25.  Willem II               (H, T, 63)         3-2
26.  Spartak Moskva          (H, T, 72)         2-1
27.  Spartak Moskva          (A, T, 76)         2-1
28.  Sparta Praha            (H, T, 76)         0-0
29.  Willem II               (A, T, 83)         0-0
30.  Valencia CF             (A, T, 58)         0-3
31.  AC Fiorentina           (H, T, 84)         0-0
32.  Manchester United       (A, T, 68)         0-2

UEFA Cup 2001-2002
33.  Standard de Liège       (A, T, 90)         0-2
34.  Standard de Liège       (H, T, 90)         2-2

*: subbed out at the 90th minute.

Results by season:
1992-1993: eliminated in the Semi-finals of the UEFA Cup by Dortmund. Juventus beats Dortmund in the Final.
1993-1994: eliminated in the First Round of the UEFA Cup by Tenerife.
1994-1995: eliminated in the Quarter-finals of the Cup Winners Cup by Arsenal.
1995-1996: eliminated in the Second Round of the UEFA Cup by Nottingham Forest.
1997-1998: eliminated in the First Round of the UEFA Cup by AJ Auxerre.
1999-2000: eliminated in the Second Group Phase of the Champions League (last in the group B).
2001-2002: eliminated in the First Round of the UEFA Cup by Standard de Liège.

Best results and stats:
Semi-finalist of the UEFA Cup in 1993.
9 matches/ no goals in Champions League. 6 matches/ 1 goal in Cup Winners Cup. 19 matches/ 3 goals in UEFA Cup.
1 goal scored in UEFA Cup Semi-finals (in 1993 against Borussia Dortmund).

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