jeudi 17 novembre 2016

Ernesto Figueiredo - Detailed stats in European Cups

Figueiredo - Sporting

Ernesto Figueiredo Cordeiro, Figueiredo III - Matches and goals in European Cups.

Matches 1-25 with Sporting Clube de Portugal. Matches 26-38 with Vitoria Futebol Clube Setubal.

Champions Cup 1961-1962
 1.  FK Partizan             (H, T, 90)          1-1
 2.  FK Partizan             (A, T, 90)          0-2

Champions Cup 1962-1963
 3.  Shelbourne FC           (A, T, 90)          2-0
 4.  Dundee FC               (A, T, 90)          1-4         1 goal  (66/ 1-4)

Cup Winners Cup 1963-1964
 5.  Atalanta                (H, T, 90)          3-1         1 goal  (5/ 1-0)
 6.  Atalanta                (N*, T, 120)        3-1 a.e.t
 7.  APOEL Nikosia           (H, T, 90)         16-1         3 goals (65, 67, 72/ 11 to 13-1)
 8.  APOEL Nikosia           (A, T, 90)          2-0
 9.  Manchester United       (A, T, 90)          1-4
10.  Manchester United       (H, T, 90)          5-0
11.  Olympique Lyonnais      (A, T, 90)          0-0
12.  Olympique Lyonnais      (H, T, 90)          1-1
13.  MTK Budapest            (N, T, 120)         3-3 a.e.t   2 goals  (48, 80/ 2-1, 3-3)
14.  MTK Budapest            (N, T, 90)          1-0

Cup Winners Cup 1964-1965
15.  Cardiff City            (H, T, 90)          1-2         1 goal  (81/ 1-2)
16.  Cardiff City            (A, T, 90)          0-0

Inter-cities Fairs Cup 1965-1966
17.  Girondins de Bordeaux   (A, T, 90)          4-0         2 goals (7, 87/ 1, 4-0)
18.  Girondins de Bordeaux   (H, T, 90)          6-1         1 goal  (53/ 4-1)
19.  Espanyol Barcelona      (H, T, 90)          2-1
20.  Espanyol Barcelona      (A, T, 90)          3-4         1 goal  (35/ 2-0)
21.  Espanyol Barcelona      (A, T, 90)          1-2

Champions Cup 1966-1967
22.  Budapesti Vasas         (A, T, 35**)        0-5

Inter-cities Fairs Cup 1967-1968
23.  AC Fiorentina           (H, T, 90)          2-1
24.  FC Zürich               (A, T, 63)          0-3
25.  FC Zürich               (H, T, 90)          1-0

Inter-cities Fairs Cup 1968-1969
26.  Linfield FC             (H, T, 90)          3-0         1 goal  (63/ 2-0)
27.  Linfield FC             (A, T, 90)          3-1         1 goal  (2/ 1-0)
28.  Olympique Lyonnais      (H, T, 63)          5-0
29.  Olympique Lyonnais      (A, T, 90)          2-1         1 goal  (11/ 1-0)
30.  AC Fiorentina           (H, T, 65)          3-0
31.  AC Fiorentina           (A, T, 75)          1-2
32.  Newcastle United        (A, T, 90)          1-5
33.  Newcastle United        (H, T, 90)          3-1         1 goal  (66/ 3-1)

Inter-cities Fairs Cup 1969-1970
34.  Rapid Bucuresti         (H, S, 65)          3-1
35.  Rapid Bucuresti         (A, T, 76)          4-1
36.  Liverpool FC            (H, T, 90)          1-0
37.  Liverpool FC            (A, S, 66)          2-3
38.  Hertha Berliner SC      (A, S, 60)          0-1

*: tie-break match played at Sarria, Barcelona.
**: sent-off.

Results by season:
1961-1962: eliminated in the First Round of the Champions Cup by Partizan Belgrad.
1962-1963: eliminated in the Round of 16/ Second Round of the Champions Cup by Dundee FC.
1963-1964: winner of the Cup Winners Cup over MTK Budapest.
1964-1965: eliminated in the First Round of the Cup Winners Cup by Cardiff City.
1965-1966: eliminated in the Second Round of the Fairs Cup by Espanyol Barcelona.
1966-1967: eliminated in the First Round of the Champions Cup by Budapesti Vasas.
1967-1968: eliminated in the Second Round of the Fairs Cup by FC Zürich.
1968-1969: eliminated in the Quarter-finals of the Fairs Cup by Newcastle.
1969-1970: eliminated in the Round of 16/ Third Round of the Fairs Cup by Hertha Berlin.

Best results and stats:
Winner of the Cup Winners Cup in 1964.
5 matches/ 1 goal in Champions Cup. 12 matches/ 7 goals in Cup Winners Cup. 21 matches/ 8 goals in Fairs Cup.
2 goals scored in Cup Winners Cup Final (in '64 against MTK).

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