lundi 21 novembre 2016

Julinho Botelho & Miguel Montuori - Detailed stats in European Cups

Júlio Botelho, Julinho Botelho, Julinho - Matches and goals in European Cups.

All matches with AC Fiorentina in the Champions Cup 1956-1957.

Champions Cup 1956-1957
 1.  IFK Norrköping             (H, T, 90)          1-1
 2.  IFK Norrköping             (A, T, 90)          1-0
 3.  Grasshoppers Zürich        (H, T, 90)          3-1
 4.  Grasshoppers Zürich        (H, T, 90)          2-2         1 goal  (7/ 1-0)
 5.  Crvena Zvezda              (A, T, 90)          1-0
 6.  Crvena Zvezda              (H, T, 90)          0-0
 7.  Real Madrid CF             (N, T, 90)          0-2

Results by season:
1956-1957: beaten in the European Champion Clubs Cup Final, by Real Madrid.

Best results and stats:
Runner-up of the Champions Cup in 1957
7 matches/ 1 goal in Champions Cup.

©  Football Yesterday & Today (blogspot) @

Miguel Montuori - Matches and goals in European Cups.

All matches with AC Fiorentina.

Champions Cup 1956-1957
 1.  IFK Norrköping             (H, T, 90)          1-1
 2.  IFK Norrköping             (A, T, 90)          1-0
 3.  Grasshoppers Zürich        (H, T, 90)          3-1
 4.  Grasshoppers Zürich        (H, T, 90)          2-2         1 goal  (52/ 2-1)
 5.  Crvena Zvezda              (A, T, 90)          1-0
 6.  Crvena Zvezda              (H, T, 90)          0-0
 7.  Real Madrid CF             (N, T, 90)          0-2

Results by season:
1956-1957: beaten in the European Champion Clubs Cup Final, by Real Madrid.

Best results and stats:
Runner-up of the Champions Cup in 1957
7 matches/ 1 goal in Champions Cup.

©  Football Yesterday & Today (blogspot) @

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