dimanche 12 février 2017

Jean-François Larios - Detailed stats in European Cups

Jean-François Larios - S.E.C Bastia

Jean-François Larios - Matches and goals in European Cups.

Matches #1 and 14-34 with AS Saint-Etienne. Matches 2-13 with S.E.C Bastia.

Champions Cup 1976-1977
 1.  PSV Eindhoven              (H, T, 63)            1-0

UEFA Cup 1977-1978
 2.  Sporting CP                (H, S, 46)            3-2
 3.  Sporting CP                (A, S, 76)            2-1
 4.  Newcastle Utd              (H, S, 77)            2-1
 5.  Newcastle Utd              (A, S, 60)            3-1
 6.  Torino FC                  (H, T, 90)            2-1
 7.  Torino FC                  (A, T, 90)            3-2         1 goal  (19/ 1-0)
 8.  FC Carl Zeiss Jena         (H, T, 90)            7-2         1 goal  (3/ 1-0)
 9.  FC Carl Zeiss Jena         (A, T, 90)            2-4
10.  Grasshoppers Zürich        (A, S, 55)            2-3
11.  Grasshoppers Zürich        (H, T, 90)            1-0
12.  PSV Eindhoven              (H, T, 90)            0-0
13.  PSV Eindhoven              (A, T, 90)            0-3

UEFA Cup 1979-1980
14.  Widzew Lodz                (A, T, 90)            1-2
15.  Widzew Lodz                (H, T, 90)            3-0
16.  PSV Eindhoven              (A, T, 90)            0-2
17.  PSV Eindhoven              (H, T, 90)            6-0         1 goal  (3/ 1-0)
18.  Aris Saloniki              (H, T, 90)            4-1         1 goal  (46/ 2-1)
19.  Aris Saloniki              (A, T, 90)            3-3         1 goal  (8/ 1-0)
20.  Borussia Mönchengladbach   (H, T, 90)            1-4
21.  Borussia Mönchengladbach   (A, T, 90)            0-2

UEFA Cup 1980-1981
22.  Kuopion PS                 (A, T, 90)            7-0
23.  Kuopion PS                 (H, T, 90)            7-0
24.  St. Mirren FC              (A, T, 90)            0-0
25.  St. Mirren FC              (H, T, 90)            2-0         2 goals (14, 51)
26.  Hamburger SV               (A, T, 90)            5-0         1 goal  (39/ 3-0)
27.  Hamburger SV               (H, T, 90)            1-0
28.  Ipswich Town               (H, T, 90)            1-4
29.  Ipswich Town               (A, T, 90)            1-3

Champions Cup 1981-1982 (Qual.*)
30.  Berliner FC Dynamo         (H, T, 90)            1-1
31.  Berliner FC Dynamo         (A, T, 90)            0-2

UEFA Cup 1982-1983
32.  Tatabanya Ban. SC          (H, T, 90)            4-1
33.  Tatabanya Ban. SC          (A, T, 90)            0-0
34.  Bohemians EKD Praha        (H, T, 46)            0-0

*: there was only one qualifier, between the East German and the French champion.

Results by season:
1976-1977: Saint-Etienne is eliminated by Liverpool in the Quarter-finals of the Champions Cup. Larios appeared once, in the precedent round.
1977-1978: runner-up of the UEFA Cup. Beaten by PSV Eindhoven in Final.
1979-1980: eliminated in the Quarter-finals of the UEFA Cup by Borussia Mönchengladbach.
1980-1981: eliminated by Ipswich in the Quarter-finals of the UEFA Cup.
1981-1982: eliminated in a preliminary round, sort of parallel first Round of the Champions Cup.
1982-1983: eliminated by Bohemians Praha in the 2nd Round of the UEFA Cup.

Best results and stats:
Runner-up of the UEFA Cup in 1978.
3 matches/ no goals in Champions Cup. 31 matches/ 8 goals in UEFA Cup.

Stats card © Football Yesterday & Today (blogspot)

Pic by L'Equipe.

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