vendredi 14 avril 2017

Maurizio Ganz - Detailed stats in European Cups

Maurizion Ganz - Inter

Maurizio Ganz - Matches and goals in European Cups.

Matches 1-16 with FC Internazionale. Match #17 with AC Milan.

UEFA Cup 1995-1996
 1.  FC Lugano               (A, S, 60)          1-1
 2.  FC Lugano               (H, T, 90)          0-1

UEFA Cup 1996-1997
 3.  En Avant Guingamp       (A, T, 90)          3-0         1 goal  (25/ 1-0)
 4.  Grazer AK               (H, S, 52)          1-0
 5.  Grazer AK               (A, T, 97)          0-1 5-4
 6.  Boavista                (H, T, 90)          5-1         2 goals (22, 65/ 3-0, 5-1)
 7.  Boavista                (A, S, 46)          2-0
 8.  RSC Anderlecht          (A, S, 55)          1-1         1 goal  (75/ 1-1)
 9.  RSC Anderlecht          (H, T, 76)          2-1         2 goals (11, 60/ 1-0, 2-1)
10.  AS Monaco               (H, T, 90)          3-1         2 goals (16, 30/ 1, 2-0)
11.  AS Monaco               (A, T, 88)          0-1
12.  FC Schalke              (A, T, 90)          0-1
13.  FC Schalke              (H, T, 120)         1-0

UEFA Cup 1997-1998
14.  Neuchâtel Xamax FC      (A, T, 90)          2-0         1 goal  (69/ 2-0)
15.  Olympique Lyonnais      (H, S, 46)          1-2         1 goal  (71/ 1-1)
16.  RC Strasbourg           (A, T, 90)          0-2

Champions League 1999-2000
17.  Galatasaray SK          (H, S, 87)          2-1

Results by season:
1995-1996: eliminated in the First Round of the UEFA Cup by FC Lugano.
1996-1997: beaten by Schalke in the UEFA Cup Final.
1997-1998: 3 matches in the UEFA Cup with Inter then transferred to AC Milan in winter. Inter won the UEFA Cup.
1999-2000: 1 match in CL with Milan. Last of the Group H.

Best results and stats:
Runner-up of the UEFA Cup in 1997.
1 match/ no goals in Champions League. 16 matches/ 10 goals in UEFA Cup.
Top scorer of the UEFA Cup in 1997 (with 8 goals).

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